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12:06 a.m. - 12/31/2007
horny old woman
Yeah, I know. It's been a year and a half since I last posted on here. Sorry. It only seems like a few weeks...time sure does fly. I actually did make a few blog entries on my myspace site. I covered our remodel of the house, cait getting arrested in Kentucky, my job, car wrecks, blah, blah, blah. If you want to read those go to and read.

I'm dealing with my good computer showing that dreaded blue screen, so I'm debating building a new one- major gaming computer, but not sure if i even have time to do much gaming anymore.

I'm glad the holiday's are pretty much over. I do not like working in retail at this time of year. I like my job, love (and lust) after several of my coworkers. decent money, but damnit, I'm tired of missing holidays with my family. Money isn't everything, but is does help.

Caitlin graduated high school, with honors (proud momma) and has moved out and is renting a little house about 15 minutes away. She and her boyfriend seem to be happy and are just barely able to pay their bills and still eat! I told her, "That's life!" She called a few hours ago and just wanted to chat. She said Joshua was getting his promotion/raise and benefits! YES!! He's goood to Cait, and I like him. He's good for her. she now will actually wash dishes, do their laundry, cook some, and take responsibility for getting bills paid on time. What a change from last December.

Conor is 16 now and driving. He got a job at Best Buy and really likes the money. He's doing the smart thing, and putting about 1/3 of his pay into savings, 1/3 into his "car fund" and the rest is fun money for dates, etc. He's a junior this year. Soon we won't have any kids at home.

Marc is doing well with his job. He's been offered several positions in other states, but he likes it here. This is home. He only works about a mile from our house, makes great money, so what more could he ask for. I'm glad he's around.

At work, I was in what Icalled minor management. I was operations senior mgr. but I hated it. This time last year, I was so stressed out from the job, the trouble Cait was in, and just general foul mood, that I asked to be transferred back to good old appliance department as a regular full-time employee. THey let me and I'm much happier. less stress.

I think I must be going through my mid-life crisis. I turned 47 last July and since then I've been having the most realistic sex dreams. Good Lord! I'm having dreams aboout some of the "kids" at work almost every night. Some days when I'm there and I see the guys, well, I get a goofy grin just remembering the dreams! It's fun, but also embarrasing. I'm certainly not going to say anything about it to those hot young men, I mean, we are friends, and I''d hate to lose that. I guess I'm just a middle aged lady that has finally come into full fledged sexual maturity and can't get enough. I keep thinking that If I did approach them and joke about it, they'd think "Oh my gosh, this old woman has the hots for me. I better stay away from her." But it's not that way at all. Dreams are just that and who knows WHY we dream what we do.

I'm still kicking. excuse the typos. I'm on my old laptop with some really sticky or misssing keys.


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